Hello Everyone,

It is time for 2012 project !!!

Art Therapy Project 2012 | Connections

My “quilt square” is below and will be displayed on the art therapy Quilt:)

**NOTE that the theme work shop location has been changed to the Cochran Gallery on the Square.

The Cochran Gallery, Opening Night Thursday, September 27th 6:30 pm – October 26th 2012

Individual projects to be turned in by September 7th to the Cochran Gallery by 3pm.

Theme work shop will be held on Tuesday September 11th at 5 pm at the Cochran Gallery on the Square

~~This workshop is an exercise where anyone can participate in placing the art turned in for this project into themed “quilts.” We will also be painting the media boxes that will hold 12 individual pieces to make up 1 “quilt.” (There will be 6 or more) Come join us in piecing together this display of community art and be a part of the “Connections” made in this year’s project!
Project Mission:
Participants will collaborate creatively with something or someone else that has made a significant influence in their lives. Each participant will be given a 12×12 canvas and be ask to express through any medium how that particular influence has impacted their lives. They will be asked to write a short essay describing the interaction and its role in their journey (person, religious, canine, friend etc…).
Each piece of art will be turned in with an essay about the piece. Volunteers will form groups and discuss how each piece connects to another works turned in. The works will then be group in different themes and named appropriately for that particular grouping.

The group will make up “QUILTS” consisting of 9-12, 12”x12” works in each grouping.
Volunteers will then discuss what background will by created to “piece” each quilt together.

The viewer will be engaged through a variety displays. Each quilt will have a story and each work with in the piece will also have a story on display for the viewer to read. Not only will visitors get to view and experience the art they will get to learn how each element of the projected unfolded for the participants. This ultimately gives visitor an inside look and feel of The Journey-Connection.

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