I went to my grandmother and grandfather’s house this weekend. It brought back so many happy memories of living on the farm. This trip really open my eyes to a lot of rich memories inside of me that I had lost for a long time. Thinking of each memory fills my heart will joy and sadness. My grandparents parents are not doing so well and I wanted to capture them before they leave this beautiful earth that we are so privileged to spend each day in. My grandmother is showing signs of dementia and my grandfather has a spot on his lungs. Both seemed very tired through my visit and it concerns me. Although I know they will eventually leave, it is so hard for me to let them go. They were a rock for me growing up and I could always rely on them to protect and comfort me through any hard ship life threw at me.

This is a picture of their house:

This was the tree we used to provide a branch for my tire swing.

I would play here all day and never get bored!

This is the fence I would climb to play in the pasture. I loved jumping on hay-bells, climbing trees and scaring the cows.

Finally the old barn. This barn is over 200 hundred years old. It has served my family well providing shelter for baby calves and their mother’s. I would come here to think anytime I felt hurt, sad or just needed time to be by myself. I felt so at peace here. As the wind blows through the old rafters and putsĀ  you at ease you are able to let your mind drift off to a safe place. Just thinking about it know helps me. I guess this is what Julia is talking about in The Artist Way finding a place that makes you feel safe. Being able to time travel and pull out things that really helped you in your past. Sometimes just taking a trip to a childhood home can pull out your inner child.

This picture of the inside of the barn shows a chair placed by the top window. This is where I used to go meditate. LOL! I guess meditate is a bit serious but that is what I would do. I realize that now as an adult. Sometimes you have to let go of all those things that grasp hold of you and shake the life out of you. So it obviously is not as easy as we would like it to be. As adults we tend to demise problems without dealing with them and finding there source. I hate confrontation. Don’t we all? By getting your self to a point in your life that you are so happy will make it easy for you to spot trouble and squash it so that you life can go on in harmony.

A little off topic but this week is project week!

This my kitchen project. I painted my kitchen and added a tile back splash for only 75 bucks. It looks freaking awesome!

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